Why Malaysia?

Malaysia is regarded as one of the leading destination for establishment of shared service center globally and has been consistently ranked 3rd by AT Kearney as a Global Shared Service Destination of Choice. Malaysia also ranks competitively across many different mectrics against other peers in Asia as corroborated from the below studies performed by many renowned global institutions.

Country Ranking
Why choose Malaysia as a Shared Service Hub?
  1. Malaysia offers the right infrastructure and environment for the development of a succeful Shared Service Organization (SSO) hub. There are over 200 SSO companies consisting of major multinationals such as Shell, Dell, HP, AMD, AIG and DHL currently based in Cyberjaya.
  2. The availability of competitive graduates and experienced talent across many discipline is another reason, why Malaysia ranks highly as a favored SSO hub. Malaysian graduates have high English proficiency with good IT skills and can perform as level as graduates from other developed countries as corroborated in many of the global talent competitiveness index studies.
  3. Strong regulatory environment aligned with global practices and standard as corroborated in the World Bank ease of doing business report.
  4. Malaysia offers excellent internet connectivivity and network system especially in Cyberjaya, which is equipped with Cyberjaya Metro Fibre Network (CMFN). This network was developed to meet Malaysia’s aspiration of advancing Cyberjaya as a premier IT hub of choice for global multinationals and data centres.
Malaysia has been selected as a destination of choice for many established MNCs

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