Why Freight Analytics?

Ranked 3rd by AT Kearney

Global Shared Service destination of choice.

Ranked 8th Globally

ITU in 2018 Global Cybersecurity Index (International Telecommunication Union (ITU))

Ranked 12th

World Bank for ease of doing business.

* Malaysia’s Global Ranking as presented by various renowned institution

We specialize in the transportation and logistics industry and have extensive experience in improvising back office processes and systems by application of lean and systematic processes that are both efficient and effective.

We thoroughly utilize features and advance tools available in latest Transportation Management System (TMS) by recruitment and tranining of competitive and highly motivated graduates and experienced professionals in Malaysia to serve US operations 24/7 every day, night and weekends.

We offer superior customer service experience through use of advanced technology focused on continuous improvement that is tailored specific to your organization long term aspiration.

Strategically we offer a long term solution for you to assemble your own shared service team with experience and skill to match and adapt to your business processes here in Malaysia.

Why you should assemble a dedicated shared service team?
  1. Enhances productivity by developing a team dedicated to improving your organization everyday work processes.
  2. Outsourcing without owning the process will limit future process innovation.
  3. Developing capability focused to your unique processes, setup and culture can lead to higher process efficiencies and return on your investment.
  4. The shared service ownership method promotes long term investment and helps your organization develop multiple competencies aligned with your firm’s long term vision.
  5. Provide the orgnanization greater control on the quality of deliverables and services provided by the shared service team.
How we can help you build your own dedicated shared service team ?
  1. We offer adminsitrative support in setting up the right operational structure and we will assist in managing the compliances with the local regulatory agencies.
  2. We offer training and will manage the human resource aspect of the centre including recruitment of the right talent to match your organization requirements and long term vision.
  3. We provide the needed IT support to ensure your setup has the necessary systems and tools to operate and deliver the required deliverables as per your firm’s requirement.

Contact Us NOW!

We offer our customers options tailored to meet their specific back office requirement.

Service 1

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